“We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect”. – Aldo Leopold
We don’t intend to create them, but little by little we bring them into existence.
Day in and out, we make them but it seems we don’t know where to place them. Some do have the dustbins and holes in which they keep them but, they don’t use to empty the bins to think of burning the ones in the hole.
What happens when they’re kept for a long time? What do we see when it rains and they keep on dancing in our gutters? Not to mention places. Should we say it’s the duty of the government or the citizens?
The government has implemented a law that will give us the time out of our busy schedules to clean up our various communities, workplaces, our homes and the likes for the benefit of our own selves and others but yet still some have decided not to abide by it.
It’s YOU and ME. We need to be mindful of how we keep our surroundings so we can get rid of any unpleasant perfume that will be hazardous to our health.
It’s YOU! It’s ME!
Let’s come together to fight for a healthy atmosphere
Let’s come together with more hard work to make our environment and country as a whole a healthy one to sustain us.
It’s YOU and ME!
Let’s say NO to unpleasant perfumes that will lead us to a critical situation in which we won’t be able to detect our logical condition and say YES for a pleasant atmosphere.