The Doleful Moment

The Doleful Moment

Never thought a time will come,

That time where you’ll feel all is lost

That time where you’ll want to have something,

But your weakness makes them impossible.

It gets sad!

The Doleful Moment
The Doleful Moment

Feeling sorry to be after a desire,

A desire that can’t be met

You wish to share your worries,

You wish to let out all the pain

Looking for someone,

But ends up finding no one

That moment where fear grips the heart,

Making you feel so lonely and empty

Having no one to make you feel loved and special,

You turn on your notification button and there’s no HI or HELLO

From people who claim they love you and are your friends

It gets sad!

Let go of the doleful moments,

Fight to get those moments killed

Never wish for them, as they kill the soul

Enjoy yourself in your own style and get things worked out.

No Doleful Moments….

About The Author

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