Huawei Watch GT 2 Pro, which was first launched globally back in September last year, will be making its way to India soon according to a tipster. The smartwatch from Huawei is said to come with an AMOLED display with a sapphire dial on top for protection, a titanium frame, and a ceramic back. The Huawei Watch GT 2 Pro is also tipped to offer 200 watch faces and modern health features including VO2 max that measures the maximum oxygen consumption during an intense workout.
Huawei Watch GT 2 Pro price in India (expected)
According to tipster Ishan Agarwal’s tweet, Huawei will soon launch the Watch GT 2 Pro in India. The tip does not include the exact launch date. The smartwatch, which has already launched in several regions is priced at EUR 329 (roughly Rs. 28,600) for the Sport strap variant and EUR 349 (roughly Rs. 30,400) for the Classic strap variant in Europe. The Indian pricing may be along similar lines. The wearable first arrived in Nebula Grey and Night Black colours.
Huawei Watch GT 2 Pro specifications, features (expected)
The tipster says the variant of the smartwatch in India will feature an AMOLED display, a titanium frame with a sapphire crystal dial, and a ceramic back, which is also the case with its global variant. Going by that, other specifications of the Huawei Watch GT 2 Pro could be the same for India.
The Huawei Watch GT 2 Pro that launched globally comes with 14-day battery life. The smartwatch features a 1.39-inch AMOLED display with 454×454 pixels resolution. It is powered by a Kirin A1 + STL4R9 processor. The Huawei wearable has 4GB of storage and uses Bluetooth 5.1 for connectivity. It carries features including GPS support and comes with an accelerometer, gyroscope, geomagnetic sensor, ambient light sensor, air pressure sensor, capacitive sensor, and an optical heart rate sensor.
You will also get SpO2 tracking as well as sleep monitoring. The Huawei Watch GT 2 Pro can also perform regular smartwatch functions such as relaying calls and notifications, as well as controlling your phone’s camera and music, among other things.
Source; Gadget360
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