Sadness, Tears

let go all pain

“Tears are words the mouth can’t say nor can the heart bear.” ― Joshua Wisenbaker

Sadness kills the soul and causes the mind to be distracted

At times some circumstances demand us to cry our hearts out in order to be okay

But learn to stay strong no matter how hard life hits you in the chest

Learn to let go of all pain and guard your eyes so they don’t fall

Certain situations are bound to happen in our life

Leaving our poor souls with so many worries

Which at times get us stuck in critical conditions

We get betrayed along the line by the people around us

We get hurt multiple times by those who claim they love and care for us

Causing us to feel so lonely with no one to talk to

The actions of our fellow men towards us at times make us feel neglected

Poverty, the situation that causes us to wear tattered clothes, not having what to eat, to think of where to sleep pushes us so hard to reject our own souls

This situation causes us not to be recognized in our family and among our friends

Life can sometimes be unfair causing things to go the way we don’t expect

It at times bring us joy and on the other hand sorrow as well

No matter what happens learn to give thanks to your creator

There’s a saying that “everything happens for a reason”

Have in mind that, whatever comes our way in life is either meant to build us or destroy us

But no matter the situation learn to guard your eyes and don’t let them fall…


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