Observe All Protocols

To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.     



It’s not a joke; it’s not something we should play with.

The Global pandemic “Coronavirus” (COVID -19) is real and we’re all entreated to ensure safety precautions and stay safe.

The sudden break out of this virus has caused a lot of people in our neighboring countries to visit their graves in an undue time.

Unfortunately, Ghana has also recorded cases on this pandemic causing so much grief in its citizens.

The president of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo-Addo, on his move to ensure the well-being of his citizens emphasized in his statement which was aired on 27th March 2020 that, there’s going to be a two weeks partial lockdown in Ghana which is subject to review as measures are being put in place to battle with the deadly virus COVID – 19.

This means that every individual is mandated to stay in their various homes for 14 days to avoid getting into contact with an infected person thereby decreasing the widespread of the virus in the country.

Read more:

We need not disrespect the rules and regulations implemented by our leaders, as they’ve been given the power to govern, protect and ensure that security works accurately to protect us.

As a result of this lockdown, some sellers in the market have also taken it as an opportunity to boost their sales and generate more income as they maximize the prices of their items.

This is a bad practice on the side of the sellers as they’re not doing any good to us but rather increasing the pain of our wounds. In this time of crisis, we all need to be our brother’s keeper and not to be enemies.

Below are the protocols that need to be observed accurately not just within the two weeks lockdown but must be an essential habit in our daily living;

  • Wash your hands with soap and water regularly
  • Make use of sanitizers to keep your hands safe from any germ or bacteria
  • When in public, make sure to get your nose and mouth covered with a mask to prevent the inhalation of any bad substance in the atmosphere. Note that, the mask is supposed to be disposed of after every 3hours and be replace with a new one and not to repeat one mask for days hence tissues can be used as a mask to serve this purpose, it’s safer
  • Make use of gloves and don’t forget to wash your hand with soap and water after removing them. Note that, all used gloves are not to be repeated but must be disposed and replaced with a new set
  • Also, ensure social distancing so that you don’t come into contact with an infected person to stay safe

It’s your responsibility; it’s my responsibility to ensure that these laydown protocols to help us not to get infected with the deadly virus (COVID -19) are being prioritized in our daily activity to stay safe.


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