COVID - 19


Good health can never be bought with wealth… – Xylose Magazine

“Doctors won’t make you healthy, Nutritionists won’t make you slim, Trainers won’t make you fit, you have to take the responsibility and save yourself.” – Naval Ravikant

It saddens the heart to wake up from a sound sleep and get embraced with a horrific and terrible info that can cause the heart to stop functioning, blood to stop flowing through the veins and also cause an innocent soul to become restless.

The sudden outbreak of the new virus (COVID-19) has caused the lives of many people to be sent to their early grave.

Who is to be blamed for this? Is it the doctors and nurses for not taking good precautions in their laboratories; is it the government for not ensuring the implementation of accurate measures to protect the lives of its citizen, who should be blamed?

Doctors are human directors; they can’t guarantee us a 100% good health but serve as our guardians to coach us towards obtaining a healthy living to stay safe. It is your duty, it is my duty, and it is our responsibility to take note of health and safety precautions so that we don’t become victims of viruses that will be harmful to our poor souls.

Apparently, the Coronavirus (COVID -19) which has been declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) has really caused a disturbance in our businesses and the economy as a whole.

In our move to prevent the widespread of this infectious disease, schools are being closed down causing so much distraction in the academic studies of our students, there has been the suspension of all services and employees are also being asked to vacate their work premises which have caused a high slowdown in businesses thereby affecting the progressiveness of a country’s economy.

Moreover, since the outburst of CORONAVIRUS disease, market sellers have been complaining bitterly as all souls have taken the caution to get locked up in their homes to prevent them from coming into contact with an infected person.

It hurts, but nothing can be done in our power. The doctors, nurses, experts in medicine can only try their best to help find a cure for this virus attack, and the government can also help by implementing safety measures that can keep its citizens safe.

We don’t have to solely rely on others to ensure our well-being. It’s you, it’s me; we need to make it our ultimate priority to take responsibility and be cautious of what we do in order to stay safe because imposing fear on our poor souls will do more harm than good to our lives. Above all, let’s seek for divine intervention to help us have this deadly virus out of the world.


Coronavirus disease (COVID -19) is an infectious disease which is caused by a new virus that has not been previously identified in humans. This virus is known to cause respiratory illness (like FLU) with symptoms such as cough, fever and in more severe cases, pneumonia.

How it Spreads

COVID -19 turns to spread mostly through coming into contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze or through the droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose.

Safety Measures

Although we’ve not been assured of medicine to battle this deadly disease, there are still some precautions that can be ensured to help stay safe.

  • You can protect yourself by washing your hand frequently with warm water and soap as it remains the gold standard for hand hygiene and prevents the widespread of infectious diseases, and also making use of hand sanitizers that are highly alcohol-based as they are very effective in killing many types of bacteria.

Note that, it is not just the duty of the doctor, specialist and government to fight against this deadly disease, but then it is our utmost responsibility to always be on the lookout to stay safe.

For good health can never be bought with wealth……


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